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# Selected publications

All publications


Danet, A., Kefi, S., Johnson, T. F., & Beckerman, A. P. (2024). Response diversity is a major driver of temporal stability in complex food webs (p. 2024.08.29.610288). bioRxiv.

Lajaaiti, I., Bonnici, I., Kéfi, S., Mayall, H., Danet, A., Beckerman, A. P., Malpas, T., & Delmas, E. (2024). EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl A Julia package to simulate the temporal dynamics of complex ecological networks (p. 2024.03.20.585899). bioRxiv.

Roemer, C., Fromont, C., Barot, S., Couvet, D., Danet, A., Martin, J.-L., Navas, M.-L., Monnet, A.-C., & Matudini, F. (n.d.). Unveiling the positive and negative of researcher-stakeholder interactions in ecology and evolution [In review in Biolocal Conservation].

In press

Bonnaffé, W., Danet, A., Leclerc, C., Frossard, V., Edeline, E., & Sentis, A. (2024). The interaction between warming and enrichment accelerates food-web simplification in freshwater systems. Ecology Letters, 27(8), e14480.

Danet, A., Bautista, S., Génin, A., Beckerman, A. P., Anthelme, F., & Kéfi, S. (2024). Species diversity promotes facilitation under stressful conditions. Oikos, n/a(n/a), e10303.

Johnson, T. F., Simmons, B. I., Millard, J., Strydom, T., Danet, A., Sweeny, A., & Evans, C. (In press). Pressure to publish introduces LLM risks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


Danet, A., Giam, X., Olden, J. D., & Comte, L. (2024). Past and recent anthropogenic pressures drive rapid changes in riverine fish communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1–12.

Prié, V., Danet, A., Valentini, A., Lopes-Lima, M., Taberlet, P., Besnard, A., Roset, N., Gargominy, O., & Dejean, T. (2023). Conservation assessment based on large-scale monitoring of eDNA: Application to freshwater mussels. Biological Conservation, 283, 110089.

Boyd, R., Powney, G., Burns, F., Danet, A., Duchenne, F., Grainger, M., Jarvis, S., Martin, G., Nilsen, E. B., Porcher, E., Stewart, G., Wilson, O., & Pescott, O. (2022). ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. In Methods in Ecology and Evolution (In press).

Bonnaffé, W., Danet, A., Legendre, S., & Edeline, E. (2021). Comparison of size-structured and species-level trophic networks reveals antagonistic effects of temperature on vertical trophic diversity at the population and species level. Oikos, 130, 1297–1309.

Danet, A., Mouchet, M., Bonnaffé, W., Thébault, E., & Fontaine, C. (2021). Species richness and food-web structure jointly drive community biomass and its temporal stability in fish communities. Ecology Letters, 24(11), 2364–2377.

Génin, A., Dutoit, T., Danet, A., Priol, A. le, & Kéfi, S. (2021). Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks in grasslands. Oikos, 130, 541–552.

Danet, A., Schneider, F. D., Anthelme, F., & Kéfi, S. (2020). Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands. Theoretical Ecology, 14, 189–203.

Génin, A., Majumder, S., Sankaran, S., Danet, A., Guttal, V., Schneider, F. D., & Kéfi, S. (2018). Monitoring ecosystem degradation using spatial data and the R package spatialwarnings. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(10), 2067–2075.

Génin, A., Majumder, S., Sankaran, S., Schneider, F. D., Danet, A., Berdugo, M., Guttal, V., & Kéfi, S. (2018). Spatially heterogeneous stressors can alter the performance of indicators of regime shifts. Ecological Indicators, 94(1), 520–533.

Danet, A., Anthelme, F., Gross, N., & Kéfi, S. (2018). Effects of indirect facilitation on functional diversity, dominance and niche differentiation in tropical alpine communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 29(5), 835–846.

Danet, A., Kéfi, S., Meneses, R. I., & Anthelme, F. (2017). Nurse species and indirect facilitation through grazing drive plant community functional traits in tropical alpine peatlands. Ecology and Evolution, 7(24), 11265–11276.

Robert, S., Jean, B., Alain, D., & René, D. (2013). Effect of selective precommercial thinning on balsam fir stand yield and structure. The Forestry Chronicle, 89(06), 759–768.

Danet, A. (2017). Plant-plant interactions in a community background: An experimental approach in Spain and in Bolivia [Université de Montpellier].